Procopius of Gaza. Catena on the Book of Ecclesiastes

Introduction, translation from Ancient Greek and commentary by deacon N. Shablevsky, edited by hieromonk Theodore (Yulaev)


  • Shablevsky Nicholas, deacon Moscow Theological Academy
  • Theodor (Yulaev), hieromonk Moscow Theological Academy



Procopius of Gaza, catena, book of Ecclesiastes, manuscript, authorship, translation, commentaries


In the opening address to the translation the A. investigates the structure and content of the catenae of Procopius of Gaza on the Book of Ecclesiaste, specifically the “chain of interpretation” of Eccl. 1, 1-4, 6 (MS Marc. gr. 22). Moreover, the manuscripts of the works(in total there are six, of which the most important are Marc. gr 22 and Vindob. th. gr. 147), among which Procopius’ catenae on the Book of Ecclesiastes are also included, remained fragmentary. Several of the authors of the exegetical works cited by him could not be identified by the publisher of the manuscript. For two of the unknown fragments of interpretations the A. was able to determine the authorship. After the introductory part, the translation of Procopius’ catenae to the Book of Ecclesiastes is published with commentaries.


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Author Biographies

Shablevsky Nicholas, deacon, Moscow Theological Academy

candidate of philology, assistant professor at department of philology MThA, head researcher at RSL, researcher at the Institute of Russian language of V. V. Vinogradov RAS

Theodor (Yulaev), hieromonk, Moscow Theological Academy

instructor MThA


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How to Cite

Shablevsky Н.; Yulaev Ф. Procopius of Gaza. Catena on the Book of Ecclesiastes: Introduction, Translation from Ancient Greek and Commentary by Deacon N. Shablevsky, Edited by Hieromonk Theodore (Yulaev). БВ 2018, 227-257.



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