On the question of handing over in 1948 to the Laura the iconostasis of church of st. Nicholas called “Nicholas the Great Cross”


  • Savina L. N. independent researcher




icons, iconostasis, Church “Nikola the Big Cross”, Church of st. Sergius of Radonezh, refectory, Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Laura


The Church of st. Nikolas “Nikola the Big Cross” was destroyed in Moscow in 1933. The iconostasis was dismantled and was preserved in the collections of the State TretyakovGallery. In 1948, it was given to the Holy Trinity-st. Sergius Laura and was installed in the Refectory Church of st. Sergius of Radonezh. The structure of the iconostasis was changed because its size did not meet the parameters of this Church. Not all icons have been included in the new iconostasis. 55 painted works from the Moscow church iconostasis were transferred to the monastery. 37 icons were included in the iconostasis of the Refectory st. Segius Church in the local row (4), row of holidays (10) and Deiesus row (11), partially in the row of Holy Forfathers (nine of eleven), one icon of prophets (out of eleven) and two icons (out of three) of the Passion row. The iconostasis included the Royal doors and the North and South doors. The whereabouts of 10 icons is unknown. The necessity of finding their whereabouts is obvious: the Moscow Church iconostasis, as a unique monument of the ancient Russian art of the XVII century, it must be completely preserved and must be available for study.


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Author Biography

Savina L. N., independent researcher

art historian, independent researcher


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How to Cite

Savina Л. Н. On the Question of Handing over in 1948 to the Laura the Iconostasis of Church of St. Nicholas Called “Nicholas the Great Cross.” БВ 2018, 205-226.



Church history: the most modern period
