On the question of the relationship between st. Athanasius I, the Patriarch of Constantinople and the st. Theoleptos, Metropolitan of Philadelphia
patriarch Athanasius I of Constantinople, Theoleptos of Philadelphia, Gregory of Cyprus, patriarch John XII of Constantinople, Nicephorus Choumnos, Arsenites, Arsenite schism, Patriarchate of Constantinople XIII–XIV centAbstract
In the article investigates the problem of the relationship between two great saints and distinguished church figures of the turn of the XIII-XIV centuries: patriarch Athanasius I of Constantinople and Theoleptos of Philadelphia. It has been hypothesized by the scholarly community that there might have been disfavour or rivalry between them. However, the sources, which these researchers use as a basis should be taken critically, and may have a different interpretation. Thus, the connections of st. Theoleptos with the Choumnos family cannot serve as an argument in favour of the idea that the two hierarchs’ relationship was strained. The testimonies of the varying timeframes of the two saints’ activity in Constantinople quiteadequately reflect the established relations that could be conditioned by: 1) the objective lack of freedom of st. Theoleptos in the question of his residence; 2) a high example of being with his flock in the dangers experienced by st. Theoleptos during the patriarchate of St. Athanasius;ecclesiastical needs, which predetermined the stay of St. Theoleptos in the capital under the patriarchs Gregory II and John XII; 4) various trends in church politics, which can be generally designated as uncompromisingly strict and moderately strict.
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