Evolution and the fall in western christian theology of the XIX and XX centuries


  • Khramov A. V. Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences; St. Cyril and Methodius All-Church Postgraduate and Doctoral School




Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, redemption, modernism, theistic evolutionism, Clive Lewis, Peter van Inwagen, homo divinus, human evolution, polygenism, original sin


Western theologians most often interpret evolution studied by science as a mechanism by which God created the world. However, in the light of theistic evolutionism the traditional teaching on the Fall and Redemption needs serious revision. If humans had been created through evolution, they would have been in semi-animal state and subjected to death and diseases right from the onset, a fact which contradicts their primeval union with God. Because of this, many theistic evolutionists completely reject the biblical account of the Fall and instead consider the past of humanity as a process of gradual and unmistakable rise. From this point of view, sinfulness is an inevitable consequence of animal instincts, inherited by humans because God made them that way. Followers of the alternative approach argue that primitive humans could have committed something like the Fall in prehistoric times, however, their wrongdoings have had no effect upon the rest of the world. The apparent incompatibility of theistic evolutionism with the traditional teaching on the Fall is a major fault of this model of reconciliation between evolution and Christian belief.


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Author Biography

Khramov A. V., Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences; St. Cyril and Methodius All-Church Postgraduate and Doctoral School

PhD in Biology, Senior Researcher at the Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Theology and Liturgy, St. Cyril and Methodius All-Church Postgraduate and Doctoral School


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How to Cite

Khramov А. В. Evolution and the Fall in Western Christian Theology of the XIX and XX Centuries. БВ 2018, 69-96.



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