The differences between the Greek (LXX), Latin (Vulgate) and Aramaic translations of Ex. 3, 14–15 from the Hebrew


  • Shablevsky N. deacon Moscow Theological Academy



Masoretic text, LXX, Vulgate, Targums, Peshitta, the Tetragrammaton, linguistic analysis


The A. analyzes the linguistic peculiarities of Ex. 3, 14-15 in the following translations of this fragment: LXX, Vulgate, Targums and Peshitta. He also examined the same translations of Ex. 3, 12, because therein is the key to understanding the Ex. 3, 14 form of the verb “to be”. The A. chose as a parallel verse, in which there is a model yiqṭōl ʔăšer yiqṭōl, Ex. 33, 19, whosetranslations demonstrates a significant difference from the technique of translating Ex. 3, 14. At the same time, it was revealed that the translations of the Tetragrammaton do not allow us to know either the sound or the meaning of the name of God. As a result, the peculiarities of the translations of the studied fragment from Exodus were determined with respect to the accuracy of the translation and their methods.


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Author Biography

Shablevsky N. deacon, Moscow Theological Academy

Assistant in the Department of Biblical Studies at the Moscow Theological Academy


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Genizah Manuscripts of Palestinian Targum to the Pentateuch / Ed. M. L. Klein. Vol. 1. Cincinnati, 1986.

The Old Testament in Syriac according to the Peshitta Version. Part 1, fascicle 1. Genesis-Exodus. Leiden, 1977.

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The Comprehensive Aramaic lexicon. URL: (дата обращения 14.02.2018).



How to Cite

Shablevsky Н. The Differences Between the Greek (LXX), Latin (Vulgate) and Aramaic Translations of Ex. 3, 14–15 from the Hebrew. БВ 2018, 17-29.



Biblical studies
