The fight between David and Goliath: A historical and theological analysis of 1 Samuel, chapter 17. Part II


  • Vydrin Andrey, priest Moscow Theological Academy



historicity of the Bible, biblical theology, Old Testament, Ancient Israel, Ancient Greece, Hittites, Philistines, Egyptians, Assyrians, David, Saul, Goliath, armament of soldiers in the ancient world, Homer, Ancient Greek epic, Iliad


This second part of the present publication analyzes the description of Goliath’s weapons. The author comes to the conclusion that he was a Philistine warrior-charioteer, whose armament is more in line with the historical context of the XIth-Xth centuries BC, and not later. Never- theless, the biblical portrait of Goliath is not an accurate depiction of a warrior of one particular time period, but a mixture of heterogeneous elements both geographical and chronological. According to the A., the biblical writer expressed through the story the theology of Ancient Israel that victory is a gift of the Lord. His narrative was a juxtaposed to the common pagan idea, reflected in the Homeric epos, of the paramount importance of a hero’s physical strength and the power of his weapons, which is why he deliberately used motifs of the ancient Greek epic, which otherwise alien to the biblical style. The biblical writer included a theological message in his text, which was especially relevant in the most critical moments of the Israelites’ history: even if the enemies seem invincible, it is necessary to follow the example of David and, being faithful to the Lord, fully rely on His power. Then that trust will bring salvation not only to the Jews, but the whole world will learn about the power and authority of the God of Israel.


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How to Cite

Vydrin А. The Fight Between David and Goliath: A Historical and Theological Analysis of 1 Samuel, Chapter 17. Part II. БВ 2018, 15-47.



Biblical studies


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