St. Basil the Great as the author of the anaphora


  • John (Kopeykin), hieromonk ОЦАД



liturgy of St. Basil the Great, anaphora, West Syrian anaphora family, short and long versions of the anaphora, historical, liturgical-critical and dogmatic approaches to the study of anaphora


The article deals with the question of the origin of the anaphora of St. Basil the Great within the framework of three main approaches: historical, liturgical-critical and dogmatic. Summarizing the results achieved in each of these approaches, the A. answers the question of the extent to which a comparative study of the anaphora, preserved under the name of St. Basil, and the true theological works of this father of the Church is possible.


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Author Biography

John (Kopeykin), hieromonk, ОЦАД

PhD., Vice-Rector for Development of the St Cyril and Methodius All-Church Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies


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How to Cite

Kopeykin И. St. Basil the Great As the Author of the Anaphora. БВ 2018, 163-188.



