Review of Orthodox-Protestant contemporary polemics: ecclesiology


  • Sitalo A.Y. ОЦАД



Protestantism, polemics, ecclesiology, modernity, Clendenin, Negrut, Guillquist, Barnes, Holy Tradition, exclusivity of the Church, missionary activity


The article provides a review of polemical issues of contemporary Protestant critique of Eastern Orthodox ecclesiology and various responses from Orthodox polemists. Researches on the topic of ecclesial identity have recently led a large group of North American evangelicals to Eastern Orthodoxy. This is why this topic is quite promising especially in regard to future dialogues with Protestants. At the same time as the conversions reported by Fr. Peter Guillquist took place a number of publications of Protestant authors arose which questioned and criticized Eastern Orthodox essentials including teaching on the Church. Charges of guilt “by association” with Roman Catholicism, nationalism, bishop prerogatives, necessity of Sacraments, exclusiveness of the Church, unclear status of the non-Orthodox, these are some of important claims which one encounters in press and which require a rebuttal. The article on contemporary polemics includes a review of anti-Orthodox publications in a Reformed magazine “Credenda Agenda” and a response to them called “UnReformed Truth” from an Orthodox resource; an article of a famous evangelical researcher of Eastern Orthodoxy Daniel Clendenin “Why I am not Orthodox” and responses on it; “What Evangelicals should know about Eastern Orthodoxy” by Paul Negrut and responses on it; Biola University Task Force Report on compliance of Orthodoxy with the “Statement of Faith” of the University and comments on it; Baptist Manual “Witnessing people of Eastern Orthodox Background” and a response to it. The various tendencies of the polemics are described.


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Author Biography

Sitalo A.Y., ОЦАД

postgraduate student, OSAD
4/2 Pyatnitskaya St., bld. 4/2, Moscow, 115035. 1.


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How to Cite

Sitalo А. Review of Orthodox-Protestant Contemporary Polemics: Ecclesiology. БВ 2018, 35-62.



Comparative theology
