Epistolary Legacy of Saint Theophanes in the Light of Homiletic Tradition


  • Pitirim (Tvorogov), bishop Moscow Theological Academy




pastoral care, epistolary, homiletics, sermons, the Russian Orthodox Church, saint Theophanes the Recluse


The article deals with the pastoral care of St. Theophanes (Govorov) his spiritual children through letters. The author proposes to consider his epistolary legacy as a kind of sermon. It shows that in letters the recluse Vyshensky had to answer questions not only of a personal nature, but also to talk about the general problems of the modern world, to reveal the diseases of the century. Examples of letters to prove that all, without exception, the Epistles of St. Theophanes have the quality of a word that gives, excites and guides life.


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Author Biography

Pitirim (Tvorogov), bishop, Moscow Theological Academy

Rector of Moscow Theological Academy
Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Tvorogov П. Epistolary Legacy of Saint Theophanes in the Light of Homiletic Tradition. БВ 2021, 186-195.



