A Synthesis of Faith and Scientific Knowledge in the Life and Work of St. Luka (Professor-surgeon V. F. Voyno-Yasenetsky) in 1941–1944


  • Kozhevnikov Semyon V. OOO «RAMiks»




synthesis of faith and science, ography of Archbishop Luke, Professor-surgeon V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky, history of medicine, Russian Orthodox Church


The aim of the study is to describe the connection of the Christian Orthodox faith and medical surgical science in the personality of Professor V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky (St. Luke) in the Krasnoyarsk period of his life and activity. For this purpose, the author presents information on the total number of scientific works of Valentin Feliksovich on surgery, the volume of sermons delivered and recorded, and philosophical and theological works of Archbishop Luke. The figures show his large-scale surgical activity. The exceptional value of the surgeon Valentin Felixovich is shown. Voyno-Yasenetsky as a scientist-innovator in the field of military and, especially, purulent surgery. The prominent pedagogical role of Valentin Feliksovich in the training of scientists-doctors in Krasnoyarsk, who continued and developed the work of the Professor after his move to Tambov, was noted. Based on the recollections of eyewitnesses of his priestly Ministry and scientific and practical activities, convincing evidence of the harmonious Union of science and religion in the personality of St. Luke in the Krasnoyarsk period is presented. As a result, the author formulates a conclusion: the success of scientific and practical work of the scientist-monk in the deep rear in wartime was possible thanks to the synthesis of faith and science. It should be noted that the topic studied in this article is raised for the first time.


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Author Biography

Kozhevnikov Semyon V., OOO «RAMiks»

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Executive Director OOO «RAMiks»
8a, st. 52 district, Krasnoyarsk 660068, Russia


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How to Cite

Kozhevnikov С. В. A Synthesis of Faith and Scientific Knowledge in the Life and Work of St. Luka (Professor-Surgeon V. F. Voyno-Yasenetsky) in 1941–1944. БВ 2021, 167-185.



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