The origins of the homiletic art of Saint Theophanes, the Recluse of Vyshensky
Russian Orthodox Church, homiletics, Saint Theophan, recluse Vyshensky, Orel theological Seminary, Kiev theological Academy, early sermons of Saint TheophanAbstract
The purpose of the publication is to describe the formation of St. Theophan (Govorov) as a preacher. To do this, the author refers to a large array of archival documents and analyzes in detail the impact of mentors, teachers, teachers of literature Orel theological Seminary and Kiev theological Academy on the formation of an outstanding preacher of the word of God. The author comes to the conclusion that the main effects on of St. Theophan had the bishops of Innokenty (Borisov), Jeremiah (Soloviev), Nicholas (Dobrokhotov); of a teacher of literature, rhetoric K. Jankowski, E. A. Ostromyslensky, Demetrius (of Saratov), J. K. Amphitheatre. Understanding the origins and basic principles of St. Theophan's homiletics is valuable and useful from a practical point of view for modern preachers of the word of God.
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