The Ottoman Expansion Under Murad II and the Orthodox States of the Balkan Peninsula in Ducae, Michaelis Ducae nepotis, Historia Byzantina, XXVI–XXX


  • Khvalkov Evgeny A. National Research University Higher School of Economics - St. Petersburg



Doukas, Byzantine Empire, Constantinople, Manuel II Palaiologos, John VIII Palaiologos, Ottomans, Junayd, Murad II, Đurađ Vuković Branković


This paper examines the process of Ottoman expansion during the reign of Sultan Murad II and its impact on the Orthodox states of the Balkan Peninsula, with the translation of Chapters XXVI–XXX from Doukas’s History. This is the first translation of these chapters into Russian, making them accessible to a wider Russian-speaking audience. During the reign of Murad II, Ottoman expansion intensified significantly, which became a catalyst for political and social changes in the Orthodox states of the Balkan Peninsula. Doukas also focuses on the internal instability of these political entities and their inability to withstand the growing threat, which led to their gradual loss of independence. This publication emphasizes the importance of the translated source for understanding the realities of the 15th century and the historical memory of these events.


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Author Biography

Khvalkov Evgeny A., National Research University Higher School of Economics - St. Petersburg

PhD in History and Civilization

National Research University Higher School of Economics - St. Petersburg

16, Soyuz Pechatnikov St., St. Petersburg, 190121


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How to Cite

Khvalkov Е. А. The Ottoman Expansion Under Murad II and the Orthodox States of the Balkan Peninsula in Ducae, Michaelis Ducae Nepotis, Historia Byzantina, XXVI–XXX. БВ 2024, 314-345.



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