Features of Decorative Design of the Lists the Homilies by Jacob of Kokkinobaphos (Vat. gr. 1162, Paris gr. 1208) and Manuscripts of the Kokkinobaphos Group
style, decorative design, Byzantine ornament, initials, headpieceAbstract
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the decoration of the Vatican (Vat. gr. 1162) and Paris (Paris gr. 1208) lists of obverse manuscripts of the Homilies by Jacob of Kokkinobaphos. The history of the study of Byzantine ornament is considered, the most significant works of domestic and foreign researchers are mentioned. The characteristics of the Byzantine ornament are given, the problems of terminology are touched upon. The article compares the headpieces and initials of the Vatican and Paris lists of Homilies, reveals their similarities and differences. The issues of iconography of initials are touched upon. Analogies are drawn
with the decoration of some other manuscripts of the Kokkinobaphos group. In conclusion, it says that based on the analysis, the decor of the two lists is made by different craftsmen. It is shown that the involvement of other manuscripts of the group plays an important role.
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