Orthodox Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods in Volhynia in the Post-War Period


  • Alexander (Serpeninov), Hieromonk Moscow Theological Academy


Russian Orthodox Church, Council for the Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church, Volhynia, Volhynia-Rivne diocese, brotherhood, sisterhood, anti-church propaganda, post-war period


This article is devoted to the activities of Orthodox brotherhoods in Volhynia, a phenomenon unique in its purpose and time of existence. In the 1950s, separate groups of believers began to appear at churches, whose main task was to organize material support for the activities of the church and clergy. Carrying out repair and restoration work, the purchase of temple utensils, as well as the construction of houses for the clergy is the main purpose of the existence of brotherhoods and sisterhoods in Volhynia. An analysis of the activities of fraternities and sisterhoods in the Volyn-Rivne diocese will enable a historian to more accurately describe and evaluate the history of church-state relations in the post-war period. For the first time, the author has made an attempt to analyze and introduce into scientific circulation archival materials on the activities of Orthodox brotherhoods and sisterhoods in the post-war period, located in the State Archive of the Russian Federation.


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Author Biography

Alexander (Serpeninov), Hieromonk, Moscow Theological Academy

monk of the Holy-Trinity St. Sergius Lavra

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141312, Russia



ГАРФ. Ф. Р-6991. Оп. 1. Д. 1165. Информационные отчеты уполномоченного по Волынской области за IV квартал 1953 г., I полугодие 1954 г. и переписка с ним за 1954 г.

ГАРФ. Ф. Р-6991. Оп. 1. Д. 1180. Информационные отчеты уполномоченного по Ровенской области за IV квартал 1953 г., I полугодие 1954 г. и переписка с ним за 1954 г.

ГАРФ. Ф. Р-6991. Оп. 7. Д. 99. Архиепископ Волынско-Ровенский Панкратий (Кашперук Петр Иосифович).

ГАРФ. Ф. Р-6991. Оп. 7. Д. 177. Архиепископ Житомирский и Овручский Палладий (Каминский Георгий Михайлович).



How to Cite

Serpeninov А. Orthodox Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods in Volhynia in the Post-War Period. БВ 2024, 180-187.



Church history: the most modern period