Creativity and Freedom in Christianity


  • Alexy (Eliseev), Bishop Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy



Personality, freedom, creativity, Christian anthropology, correlation between freedom, creativity and personality, spiritual freedom, creative act, self-realisation, responsibility


The purpose of this study is to theorise personality as an object of philosophical inquiry, to explore the philosophical and theological aspects of freedom and creativity in the context of Christian anthropology. Drawing on the ideas of N. A. Berdyaev, N. O. Lossky and other Russian thinkers, it analyses how freedom becomes the basis for the creative activity of the individual. Creativity is seen as an act born of unconditional freedom and contrasted with deterministic evolution. Particular attention is given to the impact of the fall on human creative freedom and the possibility of restoring it through spiritual transformation. The difference between secular and Christian understandings of freedom and responsibility is also explored. The author concludes that the personality is an integral person who expresses social ideals and values and develops through activity and interaction with society. Through the manifestation of creative freedom there is the formation of responsibility before God and society, which requires a separate consideration and meaningful approach to creative activity, reflecting the deep connection between freedom, creativity and moral perfection. The mystery of creativity and freedom are inseparable, reflect the inner freedom of the human person and correspond to the fundamental Christian teaching in which freedom is an expression of the deepest spiritual reality.


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Author Biography

Alexy (Eliseev), Bishop, Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy

MA in Theology, PhD student of the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy

15A Fontanka River Embankment, St. Petersburg 191023, Russia


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How to Cite

Eliseev А. Creativity and Freedom in Christianity. БВ 2024, 18-35.



Theology and philosophy
