Work Experience of Priests and the Patronage Service of the Sisterhood of Mercy in the HIV Department of the ICB


  • Nomerovsky Viktor O. Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy named after F. M. Dostoevsky



HIV patients, nursing nurse, priest, HIV, AIDS


The knowledge, attitude and practice of nurses working with HIV/AIDS patients are becoming increasingly relevant today. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has become one of the most serious problems for public health due to its high morbidity, mortality and eco­nomic consequences. Knowledge and positive attitude are important aspects of providing nurs­ing care to patients with HIV/AIDS. This article aims to assess the role, attitudes and practices of nurses working with HIV/AIDS patients. This study was descriptive in nature and was con­ducted on 30 nurses working with HIV/AIDS patients in the HIV department of the Clinical In­fectious Diseases Hospital (ICB). The data was collected using the survey method. The results of the study showed that nurses working with HIV/AIDS patients have a high level of empathy for people living with HIV/AIDS, but at the same time there was a high level of avoidance. In addi­tion, the studied priests working with HIV patients showed a lack of proper use of communica­tion skills while observing security measures with HIV/AIDS patients. The nurses, on the other hand, demonstrated not only satisfactory practice both in the field of communication skills and in the field of security measures. Based on the results of the article, recommendations are given.


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Author Biography

Nomerovsky Viktor O., Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy named after F. M. Dostoevsky

MA in Theology, PhD student of the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy named after F. M. Dostoevsky

15 Fontanka River Embankment, St. Petersburg, 191023, Russia


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How to Cite

Nomerovsky В. О. Work Experience of Priests and the Patronage Service of the Sisterhood of Mercy in the HIV Department of the ICB. БВ 2024, 392-402.



Practical Theology
