Methods for Establishing a Chronology of Dialogues in Corpus Platonicum


  • Soloviev Roman S. Moscow Theological Academy



ancient Greek philosophy, Plato, chronology of Plato’s dialogues, dialogue «Euthyphro», stilometric analysis


In the article, the author critically examines methods of establishing a chronology of dialogues in Corpus Platonicum. After the description of ancient methods of the organization of the Corpus Platonicum (Platonic Canon of Aristophanes of Byzantium and Thrasyllus), the author has shown that the principle of the organization of dialogues is thematic but not chronological. The principal methods of determining chronology, namely the analysis of the literary form, the analysis of philosophical content, external and internal evidence and the stylometric analysis, are then discussed. Pointing out the subjectivity of assessments of the literary properties of the dialogues, the viciousness of the approach based on the a priori idea of Plato’s gradual philosophical development, and the insufficiency of external and internal evidence, the author specifically stops at the stylometric method based on the assumption that Plato’s language and style have changed consciously and unconsciously throughout his life, which can be traced back to the language and style of the dialogues. Having traced the development of the method and described its results, the author concludes that stylometry does not provide any specific data for the chronology of the so-called early dialogues. Finally, the author analyses the reasons put forward by researchers for including Euthyphro in the early dialogues and concludes that this assessment is not grounded. The results of a detailed study of Euthyphro’s place in Corpus Platonicum have been published in previous issues of the Theological Herald.


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Author Biography

Soloviev Roman S., Moscow Theological Academy

MA in Philology, MA in Theology, Lecturer at the Department of Philology at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Soloviev Р. С. Methods for Establishing a Chronology of Dialogues in Corpus Platonicum. БВ 2021, 279–295.



Classic philology
