Ecumenical and Ecclesiological Problem Within the Russian Student Christian Movement (RSCM) in the Period of 20-30 Years of the Twentieth Century


  • Orekhov Vasily, priest Saints Cyril and Methodius Institute for Postgraduate Studies



Russian Student Christian Movement


The article is focused on the matter of understanding of the Church unity and its borders within the Russian Student Christian Movement (RSCM) in the period of 20-30 years of the twentieth century. This theme analysis and disclosure allows us to understand the ec­umenical principles of the organisation. The article analyses publications of the RSCM lead­ers and active members, published in the RSCM Bulletin, which was the main edition of the association. We analysed all the articles published in the Bulletin from 1926 to 1939, con­sidering ecclesiological issues. As necessary, we appealed to other authors works, which were not published in the Bulletin. Based on this research, we showed different ecclesiologi­cal views within the organisation, which were freely expressed and presented for a wide dis­cussion. At the same time, a solidarity in a number of positions is noted. Ecumenism was recognised as the most important component of the organisation's activities. At that, they recognised the Church as the centre of the association. The organisation leadership stat­ed that Churchless Christianity should not exist, which is just inferior, devoid of the Sac­rament revitalising power. The Church unity characterised importantly by the faith unity, which means, dogmatics. At the same time, the force that creates the unity of Christians is the power of love, which was strived for by the organisation members in their ecumenical work.


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Author Biography

Orekhov Vasily, priest, Saints Cyril and Methodius Institute for Postgraduate Studies

MA in Theology, PhD student of the Saints Cyril and Methodius Institute for Postgraduate Studies

4/2с5 Pyatnitskaya st., Moscow 115035, Russian Federation

cleric of the Church of St. Nicholas on Three Mountains

9, Novovagankovskiy per., Moscow 123022, Russian Federation


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Хомяков А. С. Церковь одна. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: (дата обращения 25.03.2024).



How to Cite

Orekhov В. Е. Ecumenical and Ecclesiological Problem Within the Russian Student Christian Movement (RSCM) in the Period of 20-30 Years of the Twentieth Century. БВ 2024, 160-174.



Church history: the most modern period
