Urim and Thummim in Ancient Israel: Critical Anal- ysis of Sources and Hypotheses


  • Vydrin Andrey, priest Moscow Theological Academy




Bible, old Testament, Book of kings, the will of God, Ancient Israel, Qumran exegesis the sacred text, Saul, David, the priest, the ephod, stones of the breastplate, the Urim and Thummim, the Oracle, the prophecy, fate, the revelation


The article analyzes the main scientific hypotheses about what Urim and Thummim were, what was their purpose and method of use. For this purpose, various sources are involved, starting with the oldest references in the manuscripts of Qumran, according to which Urim and Thummim were associated with precious stones on the shoulder pads or breastplate of the high priest’s ephod. This view in one way or another adhered to the majority of subsequent ancient writers (Josephus, the authors of the relevant episodes of the Babylonian Talmud, st. John Chrysostom, Theodore Kirsky, etc.). However, according to some Western commentators, Urim and Thummim are the names of the signs or letters on the breastplate (st. Augustine and St. Bede the Venerable). According to the third view, Urim and Thummim was an inscription with the name Yahweh or two inscriptions with Divine names inside the breastplate (Rashi, Ramban, etc.). The beginning of the twentieth century, the Urim and Thummim began to be regarded as a lot similar to Mesopotamian practices, based on the episode in 1 Sam. 14, 41–42 according to the Septu- agint. The author argues with this idea, arguing that, firstly, the original reading of this passage is preserved in a shorter version of the Hebrew text, and secondly, that the Urim and Thummim can not be a lot, and thirdly, that in the process of receiving an answer through the Urim and Thummim played a major role prophetic inspiration sent down by the Lord to the priest. The very expression «Urim and Thummim» could convey the idea of «perfect light» and, presumably, denote a precious stone, by which confirmed the truth of the words of the priest.


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Author Biography

Vydrin Andrey, priest, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in theology, Associate Professor of the Department оf Biblical Studies of Мoscow Theological Аcademy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Vydrin А. Urim and Thummim in Ancient Israel: Critical Anal- Ysis of Sources and Hypotheses. БВ 2021, 17-38.



Biblical studies


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