Theology and "Theological Bulletin"
Theology, Moscow Theological Academy, Theological BulletinAbstract
The revival of its printed organ is a significant event for the Moscow Theological Academy. And not only because it is necessary and natural for a higher school, but also as a sign of the Providence of God, once again addressed to those invited to say in our time of scarcity of spirit, and confused in worldview doubts, a simple and effective word about Christ crucified and risen. For a long time, 70 years, there was no such sign. But is the reason for such a long silence of the voice of the Caller realised? And if it is always difficult to speak of ‘times and dates’, then it is absolutely necessary to comprehend the origins of the silence of the ‘Herald’. For without understanding them, its resumption may be short-lived and useless. Without a correct assessment of the past, it is impossible to orientate our present towards the future.
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