Gogol’s «Dead Souls» and Dante’s «Divine Comedy»: Connections


  • Symeon (Tomachinskiy), archimandrite Moscow Theological Academy




Gogol', «Dead Souls», Dante, «The Divine Comedy», Composition, Hell, Purgatiry, Paradise, Chichikov, Italy, Italian language, Cicerone


Gogol' created «Dead Souls» mainly in Rome. The writer had a special love for Italy. Gogol was fluent in Italian, wrote letters in it, translated from it and into it. When creating «Dead Souls», which he called a poem, Gogol was guided, among other things, by Dante's «Divine Comedy». This manifested itself in various aspects: in the composition of the work, in the plot, in the ideological content and small details. Gogol's poem was supposed to consist of three parts, conventionally related to Hell, Purgatory and Paradise. As a result, only the first part was completed. The article proposes a new hypothesis regarding the genesis of the surname of the main character of «Dead Souls» – Chichikov. The hypothesis is closely linked with the Italian context of the author's life and links Gogol's work with the «Divine Comedy» as well.


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Author Biography

Symeon (Tomachinskiy), archimandrite, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Philology, PhD in Theology, Associate Professor at the Department of Philology of the Moscow Theological Academy

141300, Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Troitze-Sergieva Lavra, MThA



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How to Cite

Tomachinskiy С. Gogol’s «Dead Souls» and Dante’s «Divine Comedy»: Connections. БВ 2021, 252-262.



Russian spiritual literature
