Philosophical Understanding of War

From Antiquity to the Beginning of the XX Century


  • Sukhanov George O. Cyril and Methodius Institute for Postgraduate Studies


normative theories of war, theory of just war, Eternal Peace Project


The main purpose of the research is a chronological review and comparative analysis of philosophical views on war in the period from antiquity to the end of modern times. Comparative historical and hermeneutical methods are used in the work. To achieve this goal, significant philosophical works dealing with the problem of war and its understanding are considered. For ease of perception, the study is limited by time frames. Philosophical views are classified according to the periodization: The Ancient World, the Middle Ages, Modern Times. The classical philosophical analysis of ancient authors is replaced by the dominant theological paradigm of the Middle Ages. The theory of just war and the cult of chivalry are giving way to a legal understanding of war in Modern times. War is becoming a significant object in the system of international law, and lawyers and military theorists are engaged in its understanding. However, there is still room for philosophers to try to build a model of an ideal world without wars. The study draws attention to the advantages and disadvantages of the perception of war in different eras and finds their reflection in historical events.


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Author Biography

Sukhanov George O., Cyril and Methodius Institute for Postgraduate Studies

MA in Thology, graduate student at the Department of Church and Practical Disciplines at the Saints Cyril and Methodius Institute for Postgraduate Studies

4/2-1, Pyatnitskaya st., Moscow, 115035, Russia


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How to Cite

Sukhanov Г. О. Philosophical Understanding of War: From Antiquity to the Beginning of the XX Century. БВ 2024, 353-379.



Philosophy and Sociology