The Tridentine Mass and the Novus Ordo Mass: The Historical Progress of Western Liturgical Tradition


  • Sukharev Alexander, priest Moscow Theological Academy



Catholic Church, Tridentine mass, Novus Ordo mass, liturgical tradition, liturgical movement, Council of Trent, II Vatican Council, active participation, pope Benedict XVI


On the basis of historical, ritual and theological distinctives of the two liturgical rites, Missa Tridentina and Novus Ordo mass, the author focuses on the question of various understanding of liturgical tradition in the Catholic Church. According to the present-day teaching office the «static» understanding of tradition which is legalistic and propositional in following the idea of the transition of faith in an existing form, must concede to the «dynamic» model which is personalist, communal, rooted in history and is based on the idea of progress and steady development. The liturgical movement of the XX century, the «ressourcement» movement and the Second Vatican Council have shown their commitment to the «dynamic» view of tradition with its crucial role of pastoral care and active and conscious participation in the liturgy. However, some influential Catholic theologians of the XX century have been trying to achieve a synthesis of various models of tradition paying more attention to the organic growth of the traditional liturgical elements as well as to the theocentric nature of liturgical action which was emphasized by the Council of Trent and Latin Missa Tridentina.


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Author Biography

Sukharev Alexander, priest, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Theology, senior lecturer at the Departament of Theology at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad, 141312, Russia


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How to Cite

Sukharev А. The Tridentine Mass and the Novus Ordo Mass: The Historical Progress of Western Liturgical Tradition. БВ 2024, 166-185.



