Open Theism and its Historical Antecedents


  • Naumenko Andrey L. Moscow Theological Academy



open theism, open model, relational theism, incompatibilism, divine foreknowledge, evangelicalism


The article is devoted to analyzing the historical antecedents of the concept of open theism, which was formed in the late XX century in the environment of North American evangelicalism. This concept speaks of God’s openness to the world, man, and the future. This openness implies God’s creative interaction with the world, where free human actions are unpredictable to God, and therefore the future, which is not subject to divine omniscience. The paper also analyzes and explains other names for open theism. The given main features of this concept are sought in analyzing its predecessors. The article concludes with an evaluation of the resulting list of historical antecedents in the context of Eastern Orthodox theology.


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Author Biography

Naumenko Andrey L., Moscow Theological Academy

PhD student at the Department of Theology at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad, 141312, Russia


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How to Cite

Naumenko А. Л. Open Theism and Its Historical Antecedents. БВ 2024, 100-115.