‘I even want to die, to leave this life, remain in communion with the Lord’ (Based on the Letters of Bishop Bejamin (Milov))
Russian Orthodox Church, epistolary heritage, Bishop Benjamin (Milov), confessor, spiritual life, love of God, humilityAbstract
This article constitutes the first part of the publication, which presents a spiritual portrait of a confessor of the Russian Orthodox Church, Bishop Benjamin (Milov). The author thematically selects fragments from the hierarch’s letters: on humility of the heart, humbleness, patience and standing in prayer, and self-indulgence by the will of God, that is, constant preparation for Heavenly Life. As a result, the author manages to show that Bishop Benjamin was a true spiritual devotee, burning with love for God, and a skilled confessor, directing his children to the path of God.
Вениамин (Милов), епископ. Сочинения: в 3 т. Т. 1: Дневник инока. Письма. Воспоминания; Т. 2: Проповеди. Статьи; Т. 3: Богословские труды. СТСЛ, 2017.
Филарет (Дроздов), святитель. Пространный Православный Катехизис Православной Кафолической Восточной Церкви. М.: Сибирская Благозвонница, 2009.