St Gregory the Theologian. Selected Poems


  • Genke V. N.


In Theological Bulletin No. 4 (2004), Priest Andrew Zuevsky, in an article preceding his remarkable translation of the poem "On the Soul", gave a general characterisation of the poetic heritage of St Gregory the Theologian and emphasised how important it is to work on creating, if not a complete, then at least a sufficiently extensive collection of Russian poetic translations of this heritage, taking into account the rich experience of the Russian poetic and translation tradition. Indeed, although a prose translation often provides a somewhat more accurate rendering of thought, it nevertheless loses the fundamental, qualitative difference between poetry and any other speech, which allows the author to immerse himself in a quiet conversation with himself, which we so often observe in the poems of the great Cappadocians.


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Зуевский А., свящ. О поэзии св. Григория Богослова // БВ 4. 2004. С. 69-90. EDN: XRZCWZ

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How to Cite

Genke ΅В.Н. St Gregory the Theologian. Selected Poems. БВ 2009, 17-67.



Writings of the Holy Fathers