The Theme of Friendship in Saint Augustine’s Εxpositions on Psalm V and VII


  • Semenova Elena S. Moscow Theological Academy



exegesis of Church Fathers, Saint Augustine, Psalm V, Psalm VII, friendship, Christian morality, Latin translations


The present research is devoted to a concept previously underexamined in modern Russian theology — the concept of friendship in Saint Augustine’s expositions on Psalms V and VII. The article presents for the first time a Russian translation of some fragments of these expositions by the author and Elena A. Razumovskaya. Interpreting the primary sources, the author makes the following conclusions. According to Saint Augustine in John. 15, 15 there is the promise of friendship between a human and God. This friendship implies good servitude to God (the fulfillment of God’s commandments, which excludes the first fear of punishment, founded on humility and united with the perfect fear of God) and represents the perfect Christian morality. Saint Augustine also interprets the friendship between a human and God, on the one hand, as God's openness to the human, and on the other hand, as the human’s knowledge of Divine Providence. As the knowledge of God, it constitutes a virtue pertaining to the First commandment of The Decalogue and united with moral perfection. This friendship is God’s gift to a human. Thus, according to Saint Augustine’s interpretation of Psalms V and VII, friendship represents a spiritual and moral reality.


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Author Biography

Semenova Elena S., Moscow Theological Academy

MA in Theology, PhD student of Moscow Theological Academy

The Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad, 141312, Russia


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How to Cite

Semenova Е. С. The Theme of Friendship in Saint Augustine’s Εxpositions on Psalm V and VII. БВ 2023, 93-112.