Arabic Terminology Reflecting the Theme of Paradise in the Qur’an


  • Kozlov Georgy V. Moscow Theological Academy



Arabic, Quran, etymology, ʔl-ǧannatu, ʔl-firdawsu, ǧannʔtu ʕdnin, alsabīlun, sidratu l-muntaha, ʕilliyyūna


This article is dedicated to the problem of Arabic terminology, which is contained in the Koran and related to the theme of Paradise. There are six terms which are examined in the article: 1) ʔl-ǧannatu (ةُ َنجَ ْلا) paradise, 2) ʔlfirdawsu (سُ ْوَدْرفِ ْلا) paradise / its highest place, 3) ǧannʔtu ʕdnin (نٍ ْدعَ تاَّنجَ ) (gardens of) Eden, 4) salsabīlun (ليبِ سَ ْلسَ ) Salsabil (the name of spring in Paradise), 5) sidratu l-muntaha (ىهَ تنمُ ْلا ُةَرْدسِ ) Lote tree and 6) ʕilliyyūna (نَ ويُّ ِلعِ ) highest locations in the seventh heaven, where souls of dead men are raising. Some authors translated them differently in order to understand their true meaning, it is necessary to study their etymology, context and appropriate word roots from related languages.


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Author Biography

Kozlov Georgy V., Moscow Theological Academy

MA in Theology, PhD student at the Moscow Theological Academy
Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Kozlov Г. В. Arabic Terminology Reflecting the Theme of Paradise in the Qur’an. БВ 2020, 277-297.



Arabic philology
