The Existential and Ontological Dimension of Truth in S. Kierkegaard and N. Berdyaev


  • Alexander (Bogdan), hieromonk Nikolo-Ugreshsky male stauropegial monastery



Kierkegaard, truth, existentialism, subjectivism, Berdyaev, spirit, existence in truth


This article analyzes the understanding of truth and the possibility of belonging to it by the Danish philosopher S. Kierkegaard and the Russian thinker N. Berdyaev. Starting from the Christian paradigm, both authors emphasise the subjectivity of truth, in the sense that a person can join it (cognise it or enter into it) only personally, through his own efforts but not through the work other individuals. Thinkers are similar in assessing the possibility and constructiveness of the existence of objective truth. The truth is inextricably linked with God, but if for the Danish author the main thing is His knowledge through the catagory of despair, then for Berdyaev the truth is identical with entering into the divine life through the spirit.


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Author Biography

Alexander (Bogdan), hieromonk, Nikolo-Ugreshsky male stauropegial monastery

MA in Theology, resident of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky male stauropegial monastery

1, Svyatitelya Nikolaya sq., Dzerzhinskiy, 140090, Russia


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How to Cite

Bogdan А. The Existential and Ontological Dimension of Truth in S. Kierkegaard and N. Berdyaev. БВ 2023, 88-96.



Theology and philosophy
