M. M. Bakhtin’s Hermeneutic Theory


  • Dimitri Baricki, priest Moscow Theological Academy




M. M. Bakhtin, hermeneutics, interpretation, meaning, text, «religious literary criticism»


The main goal of the author of the article is to draw attention to M. M. Bakhtin’s hermeneutic theory and to point out its relevance in the framework of such a direction of philological analysis of the text as «religious literary criticism». The article presents the main terms of the hermeneutical theory of the scientist in a systematic way. In the beginning, we consider the general theory of knowledge of M. M. Bakhtin, an important place in the framework of which is occupied by such concepts as «monologism» and «dialogism». After that, special attention is paid to the scientist’s concept of the structure of the content side of the work, in which such concepts as «sign», «signification» and «meaning» play an important role. The criteria that, according to M. M. Bakhtin, give the meaning of the text a stable form are singled out separately, and academic criticism of literary structuralism is also given. In addition, the author pays attention to the methodology of interpretation of the work, which is formed on the basis of the proposed theory of the text. In conclusion, we assess the heuristic potential that M. M. Bakhtin’s hermeneutical theory can have in the context of analyzing works of world classical literature.


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Author Biography

Dimitri Baricki, priest, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Theology, Associate Professor at the Department of Biblical Studies at the Moscow Theological Academy, Associate Professor at the Department of Philology at the Moscow Theological Academy
Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Baricki Д. M. M. Bakhtin’s Hermeneutic Theory. БВ 2020, 244-263.



Russian spiritual literature
