Transformation Augustinian Soteriology in the Theological Work of Bernard Clairvaux
soteriology, medieval theology, Christian philosophy, anthropology, catholic theology, free willAbstract
This article examines the doctrine of salvation by the Catholic theologian, medieval mystic Bernard of Clairvaux.Also disclosed in detail his anthropological position, which is the basis for Bernard's soteriology. The author shows the features of the continuity of Augustinian anthropology in the doctrinal postulates of Bernard. Particular attention is paid to the issue of free will in the context of the doctrine of original sin. The purpose of the article is to determine those specific positions of Bernard Clairvaux's soteriology, which, based on the theology of Augustine, nevertheless come into doctrinal contradiction with the Augustinian postulates. As a result of the study, author comes to the conclusion that the Augustinian doctrine of salvation is undergoing significant changes in the work of Bernard Clairvaux. The scientific work is relevant because the succession of soteriological doctrines from Augustine to Bernard was not considered in Russian philosophical science. In this article, the author uses the method of comparative analysis.
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