Problems of Methodology of the Dialogue Between Science and Religion


  • Chernobrovkin Maksim V. Moscow Theological Academy; Kazan Orthodox Theological Seminary



the dialogue of science and religion, natural science apologetics, basic theolog, knowledge of God, epistemology


The article deals with such problematic areas of the dialogue between science and religion as: the question of the need for such a dialogue, the question of its fundamental possibility and the question of how to implement it. The need for the dialogue between science and religion is derived from the internal laws of the development of these disciplines. On the one hand, man's cognition of God is impossible without the medium of the realities of material existence, since man carries out cognition based on the cognitive experience of his bodily component. On the other hand, science cannot exist without a worldview context, because value orientations cannot be derived from science itself. The possibility of the dialogue between science and religion is conditioned by the unity of the cognizing subject – man, as well as the unity of the subject giving knowledge – God. Man learns both science and religion with the same mind, and God created all things and gave Revelation with the single creative force. As a way of carrying out the dialogue between science and religion, the distinction between science and religion as two languages of describing reality is proposed. The language of science describes the world as a system of facts in order to ensure the convenience and security of temporary life. The language of religion describes reality symbolically in order to establish the personal unity of man with God in eternity.


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Author Biography

Chernobrovkin Maksim V., Moscow Theological Academy; Kazan Orthodox Theological Seminary

MA in Theology, postgraduate student at the Department of Theology at the Moscow Theological Academy Senior Lecturer at the Department of Theology and Philosophy at the Kazan Orthodox Theological Seminary

31a, Chelyuskina st., Kazan, 420036, Russia


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How to Cite

Chernobrovkin М. В. Problems of Methodology of the Dialogue Between Science and Religion. БВ 2022, 34-44.



Science Apologetics
