The Doctrine of Eustratius of Constantinople on the Posthumous State of the Soul: the Controversy with Hypnopsychites and Thnetopsychites


  • Chernov Svyatoslav O. Moscow Theological Academy



Eustratius, sleep of soul, posthumous state, apparition, angel, dream, death, life


This article is devoted to the poorly studied (in Russian patrological circles) Greek church writer of the second half of the VI century, presbyter Eustratius of Constantinople and his doctrine of the soul in the postmortem state. The article presents the main patristic ideas about the soul that arose in the first centuries of Christianity and influenced the theological views of Eustratius. Based on the analysis of his theological-polemic treatise «De statu animarum post mortem» («Οn the state of souls after death»), this article presents the main views of Eustratius on the soul in the postmortem state - on its life and preservation of the ability to perform actions, on its equal state to angels and on the ability of the souls of saints to make apparitions in this world. On the basis of existing scientific publications there is also an attempt to identify opponents of the Eustratius, which consisted of two groups - thnetopsychites, claiming the death of the soul, and hypnopsychites who taught about her dream in the posthumous state.


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Author Biography

Chernov Svyatoslav O., Moscow Theological Academy

Assistant of the Philology Department of MThA
Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Chernov С. О. The Doctrine of Eustratius of Constantinople on the Posthumous State of the Soul: The Controversy With Hypnopsychites and Thnetopsychites. БВ 2020, 114-134.



