The Book of Prophet Jeremiah in the Vulgate and the Commentaries of Saint Jerome
Jerome, revision of Aquila, revision of Symmachus, revision of Theodotion, the Septuagint, the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah, the VulgateAbstract
This article is devoted to the problem of comparing the translation of the book of the prophet Jeremiah in the Vulgate with the translation of this book in the commentary compiled by Blessed Jerome. Using the method of linguistic analysis of the text and linguistic units the author reveals a greater degree of independence of the translation of the book of the prophet Jeremiah in the Vulgate from Greek sources: the Septuagint and revisions of Aquila, Symmachus, and Theodotion. Referring to revisions in the Vulgate in several cases does not allow us to conclude that Jerome was dependent on these sources. The comparative method of analyzing the translations of the book of the prophet Jeremiah in the Vulgate and the commentary allowed the author to conclude, on the one hand, that the use of revisions in the commentary was due to the need to convey the emotional colouring of the image presented in the text, as well as to build an exegetical picture of the prophetic verse under discussion. on the other hand, in the translation of the book of Jeremiah, a certain tendency of referring to the text of the Septuagint was revealed in the commentary.
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