Sacramentological and Ecclesiological Aspect of the Soteriology of St. Cyril of Alexandria
St. Cyril of Alexandria, sacraments of the Church, Eucharist, soteriology, fall into sin, baptismAbstract
The purpose of this publication is to consider the teaching of St. Cyril of Alexandria about the Church and its sacraments, without participation in which it is impossible for a person to inherit eternal life. St. Cyril teaches the sacraments in a strongly experiential aspect of soteriology. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the search for literature on the topic revealed the absence of any research work specifically devoted to the teaching of the saint about the sacraments and their role in relation to our salvation. The exception is a number of publications that deal with the sacrament of the Eucharist in the teaching of St. Cyril, however, these studies are devoted to the Eucharist within the general context of his theological system. In this publication, for the first time in Russian historiography, an attempt was made to study the sacramentological and ecclesiological aspects of the soteriology of the great saint. As a result, it is shown that the whole soteriological teaching of St. Cyril is inevitably connected with the teaching about the Church and its sacraments.
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