The Abomination of Desolation and the Flight of Christians to Pella
the abomination of desolation, the flight to Pella, the activity of the Zealots, the fall of Jerusalem, the Second TempleAbstract
The article provides an analysis of a passage of the Gospel according to Mark, which contains a prediction about the «abomination of desolation» standing where it should not stand (13, 14). The main attention is paid to the analysis of the following questions: what is meant by the «abomination of desolation»? How is its appearance related to the call to flee to the mountains? Is there a connection between this gospel verse and the tradition of the flight of Christians to Pella? The answer to these questions will be given through the study of the texts of primary sources, a comparative analysis of parallel passages of the synoptic Gospels, as well as a review of the scientific literature in which this problem is revealed.
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