Athanase of Clysma — A Forgotten Saint from Egypt and His Liturgical Cult


  • Nikiforova Alexandra Ju. St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University; Institute for World Literature



hymnography, martyr Athanase of Clysma, tropologion Sinai Greek ΜΓ/ΝΕ 4, Christian Egypt, Clysma, new finds on Sinai (1975)


In this article, I publish and study the Greek acolouthia from the tropologion of a new redaction Sinai Greek ΜΓ/ΝΕ 4 (9th c.) in honour of saint warrior Athanase. He martyred in 4th c. on the days of the Nativity of Christ in Clysma on the Red Sea (modern Suez, Egypt) and was locally venerated as a patron of Clysma and more wide regionally through the Christian East, the fact, witnessed by Greek, Georgian, Arabic, Ethiopian versions of his Life; in Byzantium he was actually unknown. The mentions of the church and of the shrine in the service allow to associate this text with a real place - the church of St. Athanase in Clysma, there a liturgical cult of the martyr was originated. Here a solemn celebration took place on July 18 (Epiphi 24), most probable the enkaenia day, or the invention of the relic’s day. This acolouthia is an example of a mature Hagiopolite hymnography (a heirmoi and podobni system has already been developed, the facts of Life are integrated into topoi skeleton of common propers for martyrs, the second ode is absent, two theotokia are interpolated, and three triadika for the odes 7-9 are original), and can be dated by models, drawn from John of Damascus’ and Cosmas of Maiuma’ repertoire, not earlier than 8thc. and not later than 30-40th - end 9th c., when this codex was appeared. From Clysma, there the liturgical cult of the saint ourished, it spread further, and entered several Georgican hymnals of Hagiopolite tradition.


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Author Biography

Nikiforova Alexandra Ju., St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University; Institute for World Literature

PhD in Phililolgy, Senior Researcher at the Center for the History of Theology and for Theological Education at the St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University, Senior Researcher of Institute for World Literature
25a, Povarskaya str., Moscow 121069, Russia
ORCHID: 0000-0001-8453-7179


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How to Cite

Nikiforova А. Ю. Athanase of Clysma — A Forgotten Saint from Egypt and His Liturgical Cult. БВ 2022, 248-273.



