Editorial Team



Cyril (Zinkovsky), Bishop of Zvenigorod
Doctor of Theology, Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy, Russia, Sergiev Posad
Organisation: Moscow Theological Academy

Elibrary AuthorID: 327228

Profile on Moscow Theological Academy website




Dionysius (Shlenov), hegumen

Ph.D. in Theology, Professor, Moscow Theological Academy, Russia, Sergiev Posad

[elibrary] [Research] [ORCID]



Alexander Larionov, priest

Ph.D. in Theology, Moscow Theological Academy, Russia, Sergiev Posad

[elibrary] [ORCID]



Adrian (Pashin), hegumen

Ph.D. in Theology, Associate Professor, Secretary of the Academic Council, Moscow Theological Academy, Russia, Sergiev Posad



Aleksey Konstantinovich Svetozarsky

Ph.D. in Theology, Professor, Head of the Church History Department, Moscow Theological Academy, Russia, Sergiev Posad



Aleksey Ruslanovich Fokin

Doctor of Philosophy, Leading Researcher, Institute of Philosophy at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, Moscow

[elibrary] [RESEARCH] [Scopus] [ORCID]


Alexander Zadornov, archpriest

Ph.D. in Theology, Associate Professor, Provost of Theological Studies, Moscow Theological Academy, Russia, Sergiev Posad



Alexey Ivanovich Solopov

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Classical Philology, Moscow State University, Russia, Moscow

[elibrary] [RESEARCH] [IRID]


Alexey Mstislavovich Pentkovsky

Doctor of Eastern Christianity, Professor, Senior Researcher, Institute of the Russian Language, Russia, Moscow



Anna Vladimirovna Zdor

Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor at the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, School of Humanities of the Far Eastern Federal University, Russia, Vladivostok



David Bradshaw

Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Kentucky, USA, Kentucky


Demetrius (Charbak)

Bishop of Safita, Doctor of Theology, Syria, Safita


Demetriy Yurevich, archpriest

Ph.D. in Theology, Head of the Department of Biblical Studies, St. Petersburg Theological Academy, Russia, St. Petersburg

 [elibrary] [ORCID]


Georgiy Zviadadze, protopresbyter

Professor, Rector, Tbilisi Theological Academy, Georgia, Tbilisi


Ivan Khristov

Ph.D. in Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Historical and Systematic Theology, Director of the Center for the Study of Byzantine Spiritual Heritage, Sofia State University, Bulgaria, Sofia

[academia.edu] [RESEARCH] [Scopus]


Jacob (Kostyuchuk), Archbishop of Bialystok and Gdansk

Doctor Theology, Polish Orthodox Church, Poland, Bialystok


John Behr, archpriest

Doctor of Theology, Professor, Rector of St. Vla­dimir’s Seminary, USA, Crestwood

[Scopus] [ORCID]


Konstantin Polskov, priest

Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D. in Philosophy, Provost of Research, Associate Professor of the Department of Biblical Studies, St. Tikhon's Orthodox University of Humanities, Russia, Moscow

[elibrary] [ORCID]


Margarita Anatolievna Korzo

Ph.D. in History, Senior Researcher at the Department of Ethics at the Institute of Philosophy in the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, Moscow

[elibrary] [RESEARCH] [Scopus] [ORCID]


Mikhail Nikolaevich Gromov

Doctor of Philosophy, Chief Researcher, Institute of Philosophy at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, Moscow 

[elibrary] [ORCID] [Research] [Scopus]


Mikhail Stepanovich Ivanov

Ph.D. in Theology, Emeritus Professor, Moscow Theological Academy, Russia, Sergiev Posad



Mikhail Vadimovich Bibikov

Professor, Doctor of History, Vice-President of the Russian National Committee of Byzantinists, Full Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Institue of World History at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, Moscow

[elibrary] [IRID] [ORCID] [Research] [Scopus]


Natalya Yiurievna Sukhova

Doctor of History, Doctor of Church History, Professor, St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University of Humanities, Russia, Moscow



Nicholay (Sakharov), hieromonk

Doctor of Theology, Professor, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, Cambridge



Nina Valerievna Kvlividze

Ph.D. in Art History, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of History and Theory of Church Art, Moscow Theological Academy, Russia, Sergiev Posad

[elibrary] [IRID]


Oleg Rostilavovich Khromov

Ph.D. in History, Doctor of Art History, Academician, Russian Academy of Arts, Russia, Moscow

[elibrary] [ORCID]


Pavel Kuzenkov

Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Sevastopol State University, Russia, Sevastopol

[elibrary] [RESEARCH] [IRID] [ORCID]


Pavel Lizgunov, priest

Ph.D. in Theology, Provost of Academic Work, Moscow Theological Academy, Russia, Sergiev Posad



Richard Swinburne

Professor of Philosophy, a Member of the British Academy of Sciences, Oxford University, United Kingdom, Oxford



Sergey Alexeevich Melnikov

Doctor of Law, Senior Researcher of the Center for Russian Feudalism at the Institute of Russian History at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Russia, Moscow


Vladimir Michaylovich Kirillin

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Philology Department, Moscow Theological Academy, Russia, Sergiev Posad

[elibrary] [IRID] [ORCID]


Sergey Pavlovich Karpov

Doctor of History, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Medieval Studies Program at the History Department, Academic Adviser at the Laboratory of the History of Byzantium and the Black Sea Region, Moscow State University, Russia, Moscow

[elibrary] [IRID] [Scopus]


Simeon Paskhalidis

Doctor of Theology, Professor of Patristics and Hagiography, Director of the Center for Byzantine Studies, University of Thessaloniki, Greece, Thessaloniki