Michail Mikhailovich Dunaev

22nd August 1945— 4th September 2008


  • From editors


On Thursday, September 4, 2008, Professor Mikhail Mikhailovich Dunayev of the Moscow Theological Academy passed away at the age of 64 from acute heart failure in Moscow. The news of the death of Mikhail Mikhail Mikhailovich Dunaev was painful in the hearts of the students and pupils of Moscow Theological Schools, who knew of his illness, but also hoped to see him again in the walls of the Theological Academy, to which Mikhail Mikhail Mikhailovich Dunaev had given almost 20 years of his service.


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Лосев А. Ф. История античной эстетики. Поздний эллинизм. М., 1980.

Дунаев М. М. Православие и русская литература. Т. 5. М., 2003.

Светозарский А. К. Уроки почившего профессора: Памяти М. М. Дунаева. Цит. по сайту МДАиС: <http://www.mpda.ru/news/text/20520.html>

Светозарский А. К. Уроки почившего профессора: Памяти М. М. Дунаева. Цит. по сайту МДАиС: <http://www.mpda.ru/news/text/20520.html>



How to Cite

editors О. Michail Mikhailovich Dunaev: 22nd August 1945— 4th September 2008. БВ 2010, 434-443.



Publications, sermons and notes
