The Specifics of the Christology of the Jehovah’s Witnesses Sect


  • Hegumen Gerasim (Dyachkov) Moscow Theological Academy



atheism, theological doctrine, heresies, Jehovah, false prophets, Holy Scripture, Septuagint, Triadology, Church, Yahweh, paganism


Following the path trodden by the holy fathers, «philosophizing theologically»,
the author analyzes the main provisions of the Christology of the Jehovah’s Witnesses sect, refuting
them with the truths of the Orthodox teaching about Christ formulated by the holy fathers and expressed
in the dogma of the IV Ecumenical Council. For Jehovah’s Witnesses, who falsely speculate
about Christ, the mystery of the Holy Trinity, which is revealed only in the Church of Christ, is also
unacceptable. The author dwells on the defense of Orthodox triadology from their attacks, subjects the naming of God «Jehovah» to a theological and philological analysis. For Jehovah’s Witnesses,
Christ is not God, but man — the mediator between God and the «witnesses», that is, members of
the sect, in the establishment of the theocratic kingdom, the prototype of which was the earthly
kingdom of Israel. In fact, the preaching of Jehovah’s Witnesses turns out to be the preaching of
atheism, for, according to their teaching, God does not save, and salvation is only in the man Jesus.
The Christology of Jehovists is primitive, their arguments are devoid of theological depth, nevertheless,
the problem of protecting the Christological dogma of the Council of Chalcedon from the
attacks of Jehovists and all those who deny the mystery of the Holy Trinity and the Incarnation is
relevant at all times, since it is not only about refuting their delusions, but mainly, on the statement
of a vital soteriological thesis: God became human so that man might be deified.


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Author Biography

Hegumen Gerasim (Dyachkov), Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Theology
Associate Professor at the Department of Church History
at the Moscow Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Dyachkov . Г. (2021). The Specifics of the Christology of the Jehovah’s Witnesses Sect. Praxis, (3 (5), 121–137.



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