Intellectuals and Christianity in Europe: Enemies and Imaginary Allies Intellectuals and Christianity in Europe: Enemies and Imaginary Allies
European values, christianity, modern intellectuals, conservatism, liberalism, political religion, civil religion, Novalis, Umberto Eco, Ernst JungerAbstract
Today, any positive mention of Christianity and Christian values in Europe arouses
uncritical enthusiasm from believers. Christians in Europe see this cautious sympathy as an active
defense of their faith on the modern field of ideology struggle. In fact, such sympathies are often
caused only by temporary tactical goals and do not cancel the general attitude towards Christianity
as the «yesterday» of European civilization. Today there is a mixture of concepts that does not allow
us to recognize as allies of religious forces those who see in Christianity (only) a way to return
to traditional Europe (conservatives) or consider the presence of Christian rhetoric in modern
Europe only a tribute to the past (liberals). The article examines options for such imaginary allies of
Christianity and concludes that they are dangerous to the real defense of faith and Christian values.
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