Protection of religious feelings of Orthodox Christians in Russia and modern theatrical art


  • Tchaikovsky Nazari Petrovich Moscow Theological Academy



Russian Orthodox Church, religious feelings, theatrical art, Orthodoxy, Christians


Over the past decade, in modern Russia, a secular creative and scientific environment has formed a tendency, the essence of which can be reduced to accusing the Church of confrontation with modern culture and art, in attempts to impose religious norms of behavior on society, restrict freedom of speech, freedom of creativity. Increasingly, voices are being heard about the Church accusing it of interfering in public policy, of attempting to impose censorship, of countering «progressive cultural development», following the example of Western civilization, of retrograde and obscurantism. All these attacks by representatives of the secular intelligentsia are taking place against the backdrop of very active attempts to provoke representatives of the church hierarchy and the Orthodox community by journalists, directors, and theater figures. The ground on which recent similar conflicts and clashes have been taking place are some kind of literary work, theatrical performances, as well as cinema. The indicated literary works, theatrical productions and works of cinema can in some cases offend the religious feelings of Orthodox Christians. This study analyzed some examples of their compliance with current Russian law.


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Author Biography

Tchaikovsky Nazari Petrovich, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD Student at the Department of Church Practical Disciplines at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Tchaikovsky Н. (2021). Protection of religious feelings of Orthodox Christians in Russia and modern theatrical art. Praxis, (1 (3), 79–87.



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