The Main Directions of Scientific Work of the V. N. Beneshevich in Canon Law


  • Tchaikovsky Nazariy P. Moscow Theological Academy



Beneshevich, Canon law, history of science, Byzantium, the domestic byzantinology, the Nomocanon, Byzantine manuscripts, collections of Church law


The article analyzes the scientific activities of the famous scientist, the byzantinist
V. N. Beneshevich in the study of Canon law of the Eastern Church. The article deals with
the key stages of the scientist’s scientific work in the context of his study of the sources of the canonical law of the Orthodox Church: their initial version, the history of development and content. Special attention is given to the main scientific work of Beneshevich his master and doctoral dissertations, and scientific work on the creation of a single corps of the sources of Canon law of the Eastern Church.


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Author Biography

Tchaikovsky Nazariy P., Moscow Theological Academy

MA student of the Department of Church-Practical Disciplines of Moscow Theological Academy

Academy, Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


Бенешевич В. Н. Синагога в 50 титулов и другие юридические сборники Иоанна Схоластика.

СПб., 1914.

Герд Л. Л. Фотоархив В. Н. Бенешевича // Архивы русских византинистов в С.‑ Петербурге. /

под ред. И. П. Медведева. СПб.: Изд-во «Дмитрий Буланин», 1995. С. 381–388.

Герд Л. А., Николов А. Н. «Надо работать для будущего»: переписка В. Н. Бенешевича

с организаторами IV Международного конгресса византийских исследованийв Софии // Труды российских ученых к XXII Международному конгрессу византинистов. СПб.: Алетейя, 2011. С. 67–99.



How to Cite

Tchaikovsky Н. (2019). The Main Directions of Scientific Work of the V. N. Beneshevich in Canon Law. Praxis, (2 (2), 146–164.



Juvenalis. Masters and postgraduate studies
