The theme of protecting Christians from discrimination in modern church legislation


  • Aleksandr V. Zadornov, аrchpriest Moscow Theological Academy


canonical theory, church law,, canons, Russian Orthodox Church, Russian legislation,, discrimination, discrimination of Orthodox Christians


Both in canonical theory and in historical practice, one can find examples of self-defense of the Orthodox Church from discrimination, understood not only and not so much as external persecution at the state level, as attempts to distort the purpose of the Church’s existence and its dogma, as well as consciously creating a negative image Churches in society. In this regard, the article discusses the mechanisms of protection against such phenomena in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church and modern church documents in this area.


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Author Biography

Aleksandr V. Zadornov, аrchpriest, Moscow Theological Academy

The Theme of Protecting Christians from Discrimination in Modern Church Legislation


Устав Русской Православной Церкви (с внесенными изменениями).URL:

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Красножен М. Е. Иноверцы на Руси. Положение неправославных христиан в России. М., 2015.



How to Cite

Zadornov А. (2021). The theme of protecting Christians from discrimination in modern church legislation. Praxis, (1 (1), 6–15. Retrieved from



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