Easter Gospel Readings in the Jerusalem Divine Service in the V–VII Cent.


  • Sergey S. Surtsev Moscow Theological Academy




Jerusalem Divine Service, Jerusalem Lectionary System, Armenian Lectionary, Georgian Lectionary, Easter Gospel readings, Easter, Easter service, Easter Vigil, mystery of the Redemption, Resurrection


The article is devoted to the study of the changing perception of Easter in the Jerusalem Divine Service: the Easter Gospel readings of the Jerusalem lectionary system in the V–VII centuries case study. Consideration of this matter allows to reveal valuable information about the meanings of the most important Christian feast in Eastern liturgical practice. The topic has been little studied by Russian scholars. Two sources reflecting the Holy City liturgical practice were taken as a basis for the study: Armenian (V century) and Georgian (VIII century) Lectionaries. In the course of the research, it was found out that in the V century the meaning of Easter, which had been formed since the early times of Christianity as a transition from Death to Life, was transformed: the events of Easter night began to be perceived not as a mystery of Redemption, but as a specific event of the Resurrection. The trend of that time to make a historical connection between the Gospel passage to the event being celebrated have provided the impetus for this.


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Author Biography

Sergey S. Surtsev, Moscow Theological Academy

BA student of the Moscow Theological Academy

Academy, Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Surtsev С. (2023). Easter Gospel Readings in the Jerusalem Divine Service in the V–VII Cent. Praxis, (3 (12), 165–192. https://doi.org/10.31802/PRAXIS.2023.12.3.007



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