The abolition of the patriarchate in Rus': a historical and canonical analysis of the Synodal reform of Peter I


  • Borisyuk Ioann, archpriest Moscow Theological Academy



Synodal reform, Peter I, Russian Orthodox Church, church law, canons, canon law


For several centuries, the synodal period was assessed ambiguously in the history of Russian Orthodoxy. Until the end of the XIX century. it was impossible to openly criticize and condemn the principles of the synodal structure of the Russian Church. During this period, one can meet different opinions of Russian canonists. They tried to reconcile the existing reality with the canon law of the Orthodox Church. So, for example, Russian scientists Suvorov and Gradovsky tried to explain the legitimacy of the Synodal period. They proceeded exclusively from a legal point of view on the issue under consideration. In contrast to this approach, A. V. Kartashev took a different position. He believed that the Synodal system was necessary for the Russian Church in this historical period. This article is devoted to the canonical analysis of the synodal form of government. In particular, it examines the process of reform and abolition of the patriarchate. A canonical assessment of this process is given, as well as the opinions of various canonists on the above problem, whose ecclesiastical legal doctrine is also a source of ecclesiastical law.


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Author Biography

Borisyuk Ioann, archpriest, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD Student at the Department of Ecclesiastical and Practical Disciplines at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Borisyuk И. (2023). The abolition of the patriarchate in Rus’: a historical and canonical analysis of the Synodal reform of Peter I. Praxis, (1 (10), 103–111.



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