Charter of the 16th Century from the Museum of Moccow Theological Academy (Possibilbty of Use in Modern Practice of Worship)


  • Mikhailov Igor, protodeacon Moscow Theological Academy



The Academy Museum, the liturgical charter, archbishop Gennady, metropolitan Zosima, recension, education, Aprakos


The article is devoted to the study of a unique exhibit of the Museum of the Moscow Theological Academy — the manuscript articles of the end of the XVI century, compiled under the guidance of St. Gennady of Novgorod. The book consists of 132 chapters arranged in a different order than the Typicon of the edition of the time of Patriarch Joachim. The determination of the chronological framework and the method of creation of the manuscript depends on the analysis of the content of some chapters and the Introduction of the book, in which the names of prominent hierarchs of the late XVI century are mentioned: Metropolitan Zosima of Moscow and Gennady of Novgorod.


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Author Biography

Mikhailov Igor, protodeacon, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Theology, Lecturer at the Department of Church Practical Disciplines at the Moscow Theological Academy

141300, Sergiev Posad, Trinity-Sergiev Lavra, Academy



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Макарий (Веретенников), архим. Окозрительный Устав Архиепископа Новгородского Геннадия. М.: Святитель Киприан, 2000.

Настольная книга священнослужителя. Т. 1. М.: Московская Патриархия, 1977.

ПСРЛ. Т. 12. Летописный сборник, именуемый Патриаршею или Никоновскою летописью. СПб.: Типография И. Н. Скороходова, 1901.

Типикон. М.: Синодальная тип., 1902.

Устав ХVI в. // Собрание фондов ЦАК МДА.



How to Cite

Mikhailov И. (2021). Charter of the 16th Century from the Museum of Moccow Theological Academy (Possibilbty of Use in Modern Practice of Worship). Praxis, (2 (7), 56–73.