Nicholas Cabasilas and His Sacramental Synthesis


  • Đorđević Milan Sofia University «St. Kliment Ohridski»
  • Elimanov Vadim E. Moscow Theological Academy



St. Nicholas Cabasilas, sacramental synthesis, Byzantine philosophy, palamism, anti-palamism, St. Gregory Palamas, the «devolution» of tradition, the «unfolding» of tradition


The article proposes a new approach to understanding the concept of theological-philosophical synthesis within the framework of Byzantine philosophy. On the example of a comparative analysis of the theology of two outstanding Christian writers of the rights. Nicholas Cabasilas and Gregory Palamas proves that synthesis cannot be presented only as a conceptual explication. The theological-philosophical system of Cabasilas's thought, rich in its depth and scope, is based on the same theological and philosophical ideas as Palamas' system of thought. However, if in the latter case the synthesis is presented in the form of a conceptual explication, i. e. formulated and expressed in a strict theological and philosophical language, then in the first case the conceptual explication itself is placed in the liturgical and spiritual-ascetic practice and actualized in it. If the activity of Palamas corresponds to the stage of «unfolding» of tradition, when tradition is forced to give new and precisely formulated answers to external challenges, then the activity of Cabasilas is characterized by the stage of its «devolution», in which all the richness of the conceptual apparatus developed at the stage of «unfolding» is introduced into sacramental practice. And although the exact formulations and terms (i.e. the entire conceptual apparatus) sink and dissolve in sacramental practice, however, they are undoubtedly present in it and, if necessary, can be again «explicated from it». It is the «devolution» of tradition that completes the next cycle of synthesis. And it was Cabasilas who became the one in whose theological and philosophical thought the palamite synthesis was completed.


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Author Biographies

Đorđević Milan, Sofia University «St. Kliment Ohridski»

PhD in Medieval Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Psychology at the Faculty of Theology of Sofia University «St. Kliment Ohridski»

bul. «Goce Delčev» no. 6, postal Box 566, Skopje 1000, Republic of Macedonia

Elimanov Vadim E., Moscow Theological Academy

MA in Theology, PhD student of Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Đorđević М., & Elimanov В. Е. (2022). Nicholas Cabasilas and His Sacramental Synthesis. The Metaphrast, (2 (8), 191–206.



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