The Problem of the Written Sources of the «Spiritual Meadow»: Borrowing and Intertextualitys


  • Shilkin Roman Igorevich Moscow Theological Academy



John Moschus, «Spiritual Meadow», «Leimonarion», sources, manuscript tradition, quoting, borrowing, intertextuality


The article concerns the issue of using written sources by John Moschus in the «Spiritual Meadow». It is known that the author of this work heard most of the stories in Palestine, Egypt, Sinai, Syria, Syria and Cilicia. These stories were later described by him in his work during his many years of pilgrimage. However, on the pages of the compositions there are plots and even fragments of the text, which are similar to earlier works, and often even textually coincide with them. In this regard, the question arises of the possibility of using written sources by John Moschus. The answer to this question can only be obtained as a result of a textual comparison of sources, which was undertaken under this article. Some excerpts of coinciding texts are demonstrated here, the very possibility and degree of borrowing the text of an earlier source is analyzed in detail, and hypotheses regarding the issue under study were proposed.


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Author Biography

Shilkin Roman Igorevich, Moscow Theological Academy

MA in Theology, PhD student of Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Shilkin Р. И. (2022). The Problem of the Written Sources of the «Spiritual Meadow»: Borrowing and Intertextualitys. The Metaphrast, (2 (8), 162–190.



