The Dialogue of a Montanist with an Orthodox (CPG 2572)

Translation from Ancient Greek and Preface by Alexey N. Nemanov


  • Nemanov Alexey N. Мoscow Theological Аcademy



Montanism, Orthodoxy, translation, Hypostasis, Holy Scripture, prophecy, Trinity, Church, Gospel, Holy Spirit, Montanus


The article presents a translation of the «Dialogue of a Montanist with an Orthodox» (CPG 2572), a short Greek piece of the 4th century BC. This text proves the fallacies of the early Christian schism of the Montanists. Although the authorship of the work has not been established, the Dialogue is one of the rare monuments entirely dedicated to the refutation of Montanism. Deserves special mention in the Dialogue an Montan's saying, in which he identi es himself with the Father, the Son, and the Comforter. A considerable number of followers of the false prophet took this thesis literally, God was represented by one Person. Orthodox polemicists of the 4th century refuted these misconceptions with the words of the Savior, con rming the separation of Hypostases. An Orthodox interlocutor, having a good knowledge of the Scriptures, skillfully uses the Bible in a conversation with an opponent. These considerations are still relevant today, since the features of Montanism are inherent in some modern sectarian movements, such as Pentecostal. The «Dialogue is translated into Russian for the rst time.


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Author Biography

Nemanov Alexey N. , Мoscow Theological Аcademy

MA in Theology, PhD student of Мoscow Theological Аcademy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


Dialogo tra un montanista e un ortodosso / ed. A. M. Berruto Martone. Bologna: Edizioni Dehoniane, 1999. (Biblioteca patristica; vol. 34).

Debate of a Montanist and an Orthodox Christian // The Montanist Oracles and Testimonia / ed. R. E. Heine. Macon: Mercer University Press, 1989. (North American Patristic Society. Patristic Monograph Series; vol. 14). P. 112–127.

De Labriolle P. Les sources de l’histoire du montanisme. Textes grecs, latins, syriaques publiés avec une introduction critique; une traduction française, des notes et des indices. Fribourg: Librairie de l'Université; Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1913. (Collectanea Friburgensia; vol. 24).

Неманов А. Н. Антимонтанистская полемика II–IV вв.: история и анализ источников: магистерская диссертация. Сергиев Посад: МДА, 2018.



How to Cite

Nemanov А. Н. (2022). The Dialogue of a Montanist with an Orthodox (CPG 2572): Translation from Ancient Greek and Preface by Alexey N. Nemanov. The Metaphrast, (1 (7), 12–25.



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